You’re Next

My favorite “monster” movie is a movie called You’re Next it is a movie about three killers who interrupt a family dinner by shooting a bunch of people with cross bows. They then, set up countless traps to kill everyone in the family. One of them escapes though and calls for help, leaving his girlfriend behind. Meanwhile, his girlfriend is from Australia and seriously knows how to survive in ANY situation. She single handedly kills all of the killers, only to find out that her boyfriend (WHO’S FAMILY HAS ALL BEEN MURDERED) is behind the whole thing. He orchestrated the entire thing. I think the reason why I like this movie so much is that you never suspect that someone in the family hired someone to kill everyone. It is so shocking and surprising. The entire time you are hoping that he will show up with the police but he won’t because he planned it! How could someone be so sick to hire someone to kill their entire family? The huge twist at the ending is why I think people like it. The guy seems like a normal guy through out the whole movie.

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