The League

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was dead on with most of the character descriptions. However, I hated how they made the Invisible man seem like a stupid frat boy. I expected him to have an anti social personality. I expected him to be smarter than what they made him. I thought he would have at least been as smart as Jekyll. I also did not really like Mina’s character. I do not know why she seeked the approval of men at every chance she got. I expected her to be more independent and to not be so… for a lack of a better word… sexy? I expected her to be hardcore just not as over sexualized. I really did like that movie though. I liked how they all came together to reach a common good. I liked seeing them all together in one place and I liked the fact that they all got a long. For the most part… but where was Holmes?

One thought on “The League

  1. There’s actually an interesting back story there. Ralph Ellison wrote another novel called The Invisible Man in the 1950’s and the movie couldn’t get the rights to use the story line, so they had to go in a different direction which is why he’s the “frat boy” take. Nice observation, though. 🙂

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