
I think we do avoid the realities of things all of the time. As humans, we have begun to ignore aging with all the advancements in plastic surgery and cosmetics. No one ever tells you their correct age (PEOPLE LIKE MRS. VANCE, COUGH COUGH!) We also do not like to talk about it if anyone in our family gets caught doing something wrong. Like if a mother’s son gets caught molesting his sister or another little girl, nine times out of ten, the mother will ignore it. She chooses not to see it. We do that with ourselves too. For example, if we go out drinking one night and completely pass out, most people would probably pretend that it did not happen. I do not understand why we avoid so much in life. It does not really make any sense. Most things, we should embrace. I mean obviously do not embrace child abuse, but do you know what I mean?

One thought on “Avoidance

  1. Age may only be a number; however, when one reaches a certain number is becomes the basis of judgement. I’ll just keep mine to myself… 😉 However, I’ll tell you that I danced to Bon Jovi in junior high. 😉

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