If the Victorian monsters we discussed throughout the chapter had anything to do with the opposite sex, they usually treated them as toys or like objects in which they must seek revenge. For example, Ms. Havisham and Pip. Ms. Havisham wants nothing more than to destroy pip. She is really rooting to hurt him bad. And do not get me started on Dorian Grey. He did not care one way or the other if he hurt woman or not. He could not have cared less. I think he found joy in hurting woman. And then there is Dracula. He saw woman as objects that could be possessed and controlled. He killed some to prove that point. Victorian authors were not fond of the opposite sex. In any of their stories really.

If I had to choose a reading to throw out… I would probably choose the Sherlock ones. I really liked them but they were hard to read. I could not keep up with what was actually going on through any of them. The one that I think should definitely be kept in the curriculum is The Invisible Man. I really like that story and also his back story. I like that the readers could sympathize with him and feel his pain. I think that everyone knows what it is like to be invisible. It is extremely relatable.

The League

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was dead on with most of the character descriptions. However, I hated how they made the Invisible man seem like a stupid frat boy. I expected him to have an anti social personality. I expected him to be smarter than what they made him. I thought he would have at least been as smart as Jekyll. I also did not really like Mina’s character. I do not know why she seeked the approval of men at every chance she got. I expected her to be more independent and to not be so… for a lack of a better word… sexy? I expected her to be hardcore just not as over sexualized. I really did like that movie though. I liked how they all came together to reach a common good. I liked seeing them all together in one place and I liked the fact that they all got a long. For the most part… but where was Holmes?


We are so much like the victorians! The Victorians were constantly trying to improve things and to create bigger and better things. We are so much like them. We cannot get enough of technology. We cannot stop trying to improve things. I MEAN THERE ARE VOICE ACTIVATED TOASTERS! I mean, how hard is it to press down a level? Most of us are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the iPhone 7 to come out when the iPhone 6 just came out a few months ago. I think that the Victorians would be fascinated with today’s society. They would be in awe at every glance they got. They would probably pass out from all of the excitement, kind of like nerdy teenagers. How cute.

Dracula So Far

I guess that expected Lucy to fall head over heals in love with Dracula. I expected women to literally throw themselves at him. I never thought that Dracula would be the bad guy. I mean, I knew he was a monster but I did not think he would be that big of a monster. I never expected him to do some of the things he did and he did them simply because he could; he was proving that he could. I never expected him to do bad things! I am still upset about that. I also cannot believe Jonathan Harker. He is such a sissy. Seriously. If my woman was up for vampire bait, i would probably turn into the incredible hulk. I thought that whole Jonathan vs. himself conflict was stupid.

Thanks Hollywood

I think that Dracula is going to be a book about a vampire who goes around seducing women and then killing them for their blood. (I think I got this idea from Hollywood). I also think that vampires are beautiful creatures who can make themselves more beautiful than the average human (This is from various books that I have read). I believe that to get rid of a vampire, you should you religion, garlic, cut their heads off and stake them through the heart (This is probably from Scooby Doo or from Courage the Cowardly Dog). I think that humans more often then not fall in love with vampires and refuse to not live without them (cough cough, Twilight!). I also think that more often than not, vampires change humans into vampires because they are either dying or in love with them (Again Twilight). All of these things that I think I know about vampires are probably completely false and I have learned from Hollywood.


I think we do avoid the realities of things all of the time. As humans, we have begun to ignore aging with all the advancements in plastic surgery and cosmetics. No one ever tells you their correct age (PEOPLE LIKE MRS. VANCE, COUGH COUGH!) We also do not like to talk about it if anyone in our family gets caught doing something wrong. Like if a mother’s son gets caught molesting his sister or another little girl, nine times out of ten, the mother will ignore it. She chooses not to see it. We do that with ourselves too. For example, if we go out drinking one night and completely pass out, most people would probably pretend that it did not happen. I do not understand why we avoid so much in life. It does not really make any sense. Most things, we should embrace. I mean obviously do not embrace child abuse, but do you know what I mean?

I chose to do good

If I found a way to be invisible, I do not think that I would haunt anyone. I would probably just enjoy walking around naked more than anything. Seriously, not worrying about doing your hair, or shaving, or makeup, or picking out matching clothes, seems like Heaven. I would love to be invisible as long as I was in a tolerable climate. I am not being very realistic though. I could also sneak into a bunch of concerts for free! How cool is that? I guess I would probably just steal things for my dog. She really likes toys and treats. I am sure she would enjoy me being invisible. I do see how the Invisible Man got tired of being invisible. At some point, I think that I would miss human contact. I would miss the comfort of being touched and seen.


I think what makes Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde so relatable is the fact that everyone has two sides to their personality. Everyone wishes that they can become someone else for a little while so they can get away with doing bad things. In the Victorian Era, this concept was extremely relevant. I think that everyone stressed out about what all of their friends thought and everyone else’s opinion that they did not dare do anything that was out of character. Today, I think that is still true. All of us are afraid to do some stuff that we really want to do because we feel that it might hurt our image or our reputation. I bet everyone who reads it wishes that they could try out that serum, at least for a couple of hours. I mean, how could would it be to turn into someone else and get to do those really risky things you’ve always wanted to do and then go back to your normal life afterwards?

You’re Next

My favorite “monster” movie is a movie called You’re Next it is a movie about three killers who interrupt a family dinner by shooting a bunch of people with cross bows. They then, set up countless traps to kill everyone in the family. One of them escapes though and calls for help, leaving his girlfriend behind. Meanwhile, his girlfriend is from Australia and seriously knows how to survive in ANY situation. She single handedly kills all of the killers, only to find out that her boyfriend (WHO’S FAMILY HAS ALL BEEN MURDERED) is behind the whole thing. He orchestrated the entire thing. I think the reason why I like this movie so much is that you never suspect that someone in the family hired someone to kill everyone. It is so shocking and surprising. The entire time you are hoping that he will show up with the police but he won’t because he planned it! How could someone be so sick to hire someone to kill their entire family? The huge twist at the ending is why I think people like it. The guy seems like a normal guy through out the whole movie.